
Deadline February 28, 2007


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An Advanced Study Institute of the
NATO Security Through Science Committee
the Institut für Informatik,
Technische Universität München, Germany,


Formal Logical Methods


System Security and Correctness

July  31 to August 12 2007

T. Nipkow (director)
O. Grumberg (director)
M. Broy (director)

R.L. Constable (co-director)
H. Schwichtenberg (co-director)
S.S. Wainer (co-director)

Katharina Spies (executive secretary)

The Summer School is also substantially supported by
the DAAD under the program "Deutsche Sommerakademie 2007",
and the town and the county of Marktoberdorf


The Marktoberdorf Summer School is a two weeks course for young computer scientists and mathematicians working in the field of formal development of computer systems and its logical basis. The course is designed to teach the state-of-the-art scientific methods and to promote international contacts among scientists.

The objective of the Summer School is to present the state of the art in the field of proof technology. The lecturers will show that methods of correct-by-construction program and synthesis allow a high level programming method more amenable to security and reliability analysis and guarantees. By (1) providing the necessary theoretical background and (2) presenting corresponding application oriented concepts, the objective is an in-depth presentation of such methods covering both theoretical foundations and industrial practice based on the promise of creating a secure-by-construction programming methodology. We assembled leading researchers in computer science and applied logics who have made significant advances in creating a formal logical basis for system security.


The topic of this year's Summer School will be presented by the following lecturers:

Gilles Barthe Orna Grumberg Martin Hyland Tobias Nipkow
Bob Constable John Harrison John Mitchell Helmut Schwichtenberg
Javier Esparza Martin Hofmann Greg Morrisett Stan Wainer

More information about lecturers and topics will soon be given under the point "lectures" atop left.


Previous training and experience in computer science as well as a solid background in mathematics are indispensable. The directors of the Summer School are allowed to award only a limited number of participants.
Therefore, a letter of recommendation is requested. Based on this, all applications will reviewed with due regard to find a fair distribution of these 80 places among all qualified applicants from the various countries. In your own behalf, pay attention to cover a recommendation significant for your qualification and research interests.

Applications without a letter of recommendation cannot be taken into consideration.

(The letter of recommendation should be send by regular mail to our postal address mentioned below)


The Summer School will be held at Marktoberdorf, a small town about 100 km southwest of Munich. All students will be accommodated in the boarding house (double rooms) of the local high school, Gymnasium Marktoberdorf. Due to the limited number of rooms accompanying persons cannot be lodged in the boarding house.

The directors and the organizing committee of the Summer School do not assume any responsibility or any liability for persons participating in the meeting.

All applicants will receive notice by May 25, 2007. Every person who is admitted to attend the Summer School as participant has to pay Euro 640 for the living expenses (covering accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner, refreshments, and social events) and Euro 840 for the participation fee (including working material - to be distributed upon arrival - and a copy of the final proceedings). An invoice to the respective amount will be sent to all participants together with a letter of acceptance. Payment of the invoice is due in advance and must be remitted to our bank account by June 29, 2007 at the very latest.

It is hoped that you can obtain support for your travel and living expenses and for the participation free from your institution or other sources in your own country. However, should this not be possible, limited funds are available for those participants who will need financial aid to cover a part of their costs. If a support for travel expenses is granted, the amount will be reimbursed to the participant during the Summer School at Marktoberdorf.

Please fill in your application form properly and completely.

We ensure confidentiality. Personal information will be used for the selection process only. Information between your Client and the Server will be encrypted.

Feel free to contact us via e-mail

Phone: +49 (89) 289 - 17829
Fax: +49 (89) 289 - 17824

Postal address:
K. Spies / Summer School
Institut für Informatik
Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching (München)
